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Junee Legacy Enjoy First Christmas Party Since Covid

Top: Maureen Butler, Kath Sizer, Glenda Burden, Dossie Smith. Bottom left: Mary Norton Knight and Kathleen Lester cutting the cake.

Junee Legacy held their first Christmas party at the Junee Ex-Services Club since Covid last week, to many of the members satisfaction.

The ladies had a wonderful time and even got a special visit from Santa Claus who came bearing gifts for those attending.

Shirley Armstrong provided a Christmas cake that was loved by the party. It was additionally a celebration and welcome to the most recent ladies to join Legacy, Kathleen Lester and Mary Norton Knight.

Legacy Clubs help those who have lost their partners in warfare since the Second World War but has since been expanded to include all widows and widowers.

Secretary of Junee Legacy, Robert Turner, said it was good to be able to hold the event again.

“It was pretty good to finally be back and have it down at the club,” he said. “Santa Claus arrived and he went down pretty well.

“We have eight widows in total, they weren’t all there but when they’re around 90, it’s pretty hard to get them all. “They seemed to have a pretty good time and everything went off quite well.

“It was good to have Katelyn Lester. She’s actually been with us for a couple of seasons, but this is the first time she’s been to an actual function here since Covid.”

She cut the cake along with Mary Norton Knight which is a Legacy tradition for the most recent members to cut the cake.

Junee Legacy would also extend their congratulations to Krista Barrett for winning the annual Legacy/Riverina TAFE Scholarship that was presented recently at Legacy House in Wagga.

“It’s one of those clubs that you never want to join because if you do, you’ve lost your partner.

“You never want to leave either because it means you’ve passed away. “We meet on a monthly basis.

“It’s just a case of looking after their best interests, we’re fortunate in that all the ladies that we have are all well cared for and they all have good family around them.

“We have in the past had ladies that haven’t had any family close by.

“We do a fundraiser each year and most of our money comes from the stock drive. When people donate lambs or donate the value of a lamb.

“Most farmers are very generous so that’s where the majority of our money comes from.” Here is to another great year for Junee Legacy.

Jack Murray

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