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David Reid Homes Pie in the Sky is Here

A list of rugby league legends like Terry Campese, Trevor Thurling, Simon Woolford, Laurie Daley, Ben Roarty and Mark Tookey may sound like a huge Sydney event but they are all going to be in Junee for the David Reid Homes Pie in the Sky charity game.

Taking on the Junee Diesels, the David Reid Homes All-Star team will play this Saturday on the beloved Laurie Daley Oval at 3 pm.

What more could be said about this event that hasn’t already been said? Plenty, if you ask organiser Ken Beissel who wants to bring a game like this to grassroots organisations, all for charity.

“We’re all set, all the players

are ready to go, they’re all fired up,” he said.

“It’s going to be a real win for the town. Win, lose or draw, it doesn’t matter, it will be a fantastic thing for the town.

“We want four or five young Junee kids to have a run and rub shoulders with and get coached by Laurie Daley and play beside the likes of Terry Campese.

“That’s what it’s all about, we did the same in Hay. They had a phenomenal experience there; they may not get an opportunity like this ever again.”

Mr Beissel said that many of the players have had things like their busy lives, health issues, age and distance to

For the full story get your copy of this week’s Junee Independent

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