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Michael McCormack Urges Labor to Back Inland Rail

Michael McCormack Member for Riverina and Member for Parkes Mark Coulton, when the coalition was in power federally.

Michael McCormack has recently spoken out about the new Labor Government in the State by urging the Federal Government to remain on board with the Inland Rail project.

The statement came out in response to the independent review of Inland Rail, led by Kerry Schott AO, which was released by the Australian Government and outlined 19 recommendations for the Government to consider.

Mr McCormack said the Inland Rail was a transformational infrastructure project which would reap benefits for residents and businesses not only along the 1,700-kilometre Melbourne-to-Brisbane route – with a possible extension to Gladstone – but throughout the eastern Australian States and the nation’s international trading partners.

“As the Deputy Prime Minster, I managed the signing of the Intergovernmental agreements between the Federal Government and the three relevant State Governments, two of which were Labor-led,” he said.

Local Governments along the proposed route, including those throughout the Riverina and Central West, were keen to see this nation-building project proceed.

This project not only delivers significant economic benefits to local communities, but it will also cut around 200,000 truck movements off our roads and reduce carbon emissions by 750,000 tonnes per year by 2050.”

For the full story purchase this weeks edition of the Junee Independent.

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