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Travel Guides TV Program Pokes Fun at Junee Without Knowing Junee

Photo Channel 9.
Now if you’ve never heard of Channel 9’s ‘Travel Guides’, neither had I until they came to Junee, but it’s apparently a popular show where repeating cast members of the reality show travel the world. Unfortunately the show stopped in Junee and Griffith recently, with some cast members more than happy to play their roles as villans.
The show normally follows a few groups of Aussies who travel around different places and either mock or enjoy the locations they visit.
If Junee gets to be ribbed, we only think it’s fair game that we can respond in the same fashion.
The short segment that begins around 13 minutes into the episode already has a claim from Kevin and Janetta that Junee’s Chocolate and Licorice Factory is the town’s only claim to fame, right after calling Junee a historic town. Whoever wrote the script might want to space out those two claims because they contradict each other, just a little bit.
I’m a Melbournian myself but someone who has grown to love the country areas since I moved here and I know Junee has plenty more to it, but what else do you expect from a pair of Melbournians with no idea?
It was pretty funny to see everyone act surprised when they saw chocolate was made inside the chocolate factory, I’d like to ask what they thought they were going to see?
Old mate Jono loved the chocolate so much, he gave the rest of his face a taste of it.
It’s hard not to feel a bit sorry for Matt, he was given the short end of the stick saying he loved liquorice not long after the three boys had said liquorice was for old people without teeth, poor bloke couldn’t even defend himself.
It was funny hearing them gawk over the fact they made liquorice from scratch, how shocking it must be to learn that the factory known to make
chocolate and liquorice makes chocolate and liquorice. I’d really like to ask each group what they think a factory is.
I would like to give my greatest sympathies to the staff on shift that had to witness someone spit out chewed liquorice into her hand because she wanted to play chubby bunny on live television.
Kevin and Karen, oops, I mean Janetta, seem to think it’s the end of the world because they have to stay at an award-winning caravan park with a beautiful view and town full of attractions, how horrible. It’s a good thing one night in a caravan park and not a 5-star Venice resort won’t, in fact, kill you.
If they were so bored drinking wine and talking to each other, then I suggest they check out the Roundhouse
Museum, Broadway Museum, the Bethungra Spiral or have a drink at the Ex-Services Club.
It was all in good fun, but Travel Guides, I’d like to ask that you give Junee a fair go next time instead of letting two posh wine-drinkers have a whinge the whole time.
Poor form!
Jack Murray
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