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Christmas on Broadway Getting Ready for the November Event

 Christmas on Broadway Getting Ready for the November Event

After an unfortunate weather event saw Christmas on Broadway get rained on last year, the committee are already bouncing back and they have many things to get Junee excited for with this year’s instalment from 4:00pm on November 18. Junee Business and Trades are once again bringing the business houses in Junee together with locals as we approach one of Junee’s biggest events of the year. 

Although last year’s event was dampened, the community from near and far still came out to see the show and enjoy what the town had to offer that afternoon. President of the committee, Tony Butt, says the long-range forecasts shows it to be a good day for the town’s big Christmas event. “We start organising from the end of June, which we always do, to be able organise, the Street Closures, the Musicians, the audio, the Schools, the Market stalls, and our Sponsors. And now we have all that organised, all the schools are on board and will be providing us with all our favourite Christmas carols, we have been able to secure our very talented local musicians in Tash Higginson and her band Deja Groove to entertain us. We also went in to partnership with the Junee Shire Council to purchase the stage that we used to hire from Temora Shire Council, and we hope to make that available to the community and the Not-for-Profit organisations to hire for any of their events throughout the year.


“We’ve organised different things to make it unique to the other years. We will put the tree up in the first week of November along with street banners. We have a meeting once a week as the date gets closer to stay on top of things. We have a great variety of food vans coming, and a lot of quality market stalls to compliment our local market stalls. We will be setting up a Kid’s Zone this year, giving the kids a safe area to play while the parents have a break. We will also have the kids sand pit as usual, and Tony Joe’s amusements to entertain the bigger kids. 

“We always hope for great weather because moving a street party inside is very hard to do, we are lucky to have big verandahs down the street to have some shelter if the weather does turn, as it did last year. We will also be setting up a colouring in competition and an art display in the Athenium to utilise this great facility. 

Christmas on Broadway is a way for the local business houses to thank their customers for their support throughout the year. If we have no customers then we have no shops and if we have no shops, then we have no community and if we have no community, then we have no town. Christmas on Broadway brings the community together to catch up with friends, have a relaxing afternoon and to bring the Christmas spirit into town.” 

Mr Butt said that the reason we have Christmas on Broadway in late November is because December has an avalanche of Christmas events that we don’t want to clash with and it gets the Christmas season off to a good start, giving people an opportunity to build on their Christmas shopping. 

“The committee wants to give a big thank you to all the businesses that support us each and every year and to the major sponsors of the event that allow us to keep this event as free entry to everyone on the day. Our major sponsors this year are Junee IGA, Junee Prime Lamb, Huon Constructions and GEO, with our other sponsors being Junee Shire Council, Inland Rail, Coates hire, and Junee Lifestyle Village. 

Without all of these sponsors and especially our major sponsors, we could not run this event.”

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