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Junee Aquatic Centre 50m Pool Reopens

We are waiting for the summer heat blast after an especially tough and long winter, but when the heat comes, the Aquatic Centre pool will now be there to cool off in.

Opening just in time for the summer heat and school holidays, the 50-metre pool has finally finished renovations and has been opened back up to the Junee community.

Sam Perry, manager of the Junee Recreation and Aquatic Centre, was excited to announce the reopening of the pool.

“We’re very excited. It’s been nearly six months,” he said.

“I know the patrons and a majority of the staff are ready for it open and thankfully, it has opened before summer. “We’re just waiting for the cold weather to go away, really.

Once the sun comes out it will be beautiful. “We get lots of lots of people coming through the Centre throughout summer and especially for the holidays.

“To open up now is a blessing.

“Schools get to come in and have their swimming lessons and fun days. We’ll be primed and ready to go for the school holidays and Christmas period.

“We got the pool retiled; over the last few years it’s been painted. It looks a bit nicer; we won’t have to maintain it as much repainting it every couple of years.

“We’re in the process of getting a few more disability options as well that will boost the Centre and get us up to date with some of the big ones and allow access for all people.

“Hopefully this all boosts the number of people coming into the Centre.”

The opening of the pool was pushed back a couple times, but now the remodelling has been completed and patrons can enjoy the pool. Plenty of activities will be held in the Centre even within what is left in the year.

“I think the people will be quite happy to see it open and be able to use it again.”

The Recreation and Aquatic Centre will have plenty of things to do during the remainder of the year and the beginning of the next, so keep an eye out for what’s going on in the coming weeks.

Jack Murray

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