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Junee Braved the Rain for Christmas on Broadway

Christmas on Broadway stole the show last Saturday afternoon as rides, stalls and pop-up attractions lined Broadway Street, all with entertainment and music.

Unfortunately, the weather would go against the hard work of organisers from Junee Business and Trades and put a dampener on one of Junee’s biggest events of the year.

Despite the harsh rain, the community from close and far still came out to see the show and enjoy what the town had to offer that afternoon.

Handcrafted jewellery, socks, pillow covers, cakes, milkshakes, ice cream, burgers and thrilling rides were just some of the things on offer on the street.

Right on through the front, you could already see the Christmas tree glowing and towering over the town right near the Cenotaph which was crowded as people gathered to watch the entertainment on the stage.

From live music provided by Rumbletown Acoustic and The Groove Train to Mayor Neil Smith telling Christmas-themed dad jokes on the stage, there was never a dull moment in any corner of the strip.

Even the Athenium opened up to provide a pop-up art exhibition. Tony Butt, President of Junee Business and Trades, was disappointed things didn’t go as well as they had hoped, but was still grateful for the support.

“On behalf of the JBT Team, the Christmas on Broadway volunteers, the major sponsors and our local business and trades People, I would like to thank the people for turning up and making the afternoon as good as it was,” he said.

“It always amazes me how many hundreds of volunteer hours go into this event and how much money it costs to put on an event such as this that goes for just five hours on a Saturday afternoon and evening.

“I would like to thank our major sponsors – The Junee Shire Council, GEO, Qube Logistics, Junee Lamb, Coates Hire, Big Springs Water, Inland Rail, The NSW State Government, Huon Contractors, T-Line Steel, Remax Elite, and Junee Business and Trades.

“Their support allows us to provide all the infrastructure, decorate our Community Christmas tree and provide free entertainment for this event.

“I would also like to thank our local businesses and tradespeople for their financial support that they give each and every year.

“The whole concept of the afternoon’s Christmas Street Party is to thank them, the local community for supporting all these businesses and tradespeople throughout the year, helping them keep their doors open and to keep trading, so they can continue to employ our kids and grandkids into the future.

“Their support allows us to provide free admission, they provide all our great raffle prizes and all the goodies to fill our show bags.

“These people and businesses that I would like to mention are JMA Legal, Rivturf, Junee IGA, Mobil Fuels, Impact Signs, Commins Hendriks, Signs, Troy Roulston Homes, Brew at 102, Advanced Plumbing, Storehouse Botanica, Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory, Junee Diesels Rugby League Club, Junee News Agency, Karuah Enterprises, Total Bliss, HB Accounting, Ray

White Real Estate, United Petroleum, (Swarea) Soiree at the Loftus, Belmore Motors, The Crossing Motel, Pistol Pete’s Plastering, Monique Turton, So Dance, Amanda Huckin Books, Whiles Electrical Broadway Builders, Brad’s Butchery, Wagga Export Pallets, Carpet Court Wagga, Junee Buses, Junee Post Office, Baldry and Carr Accountants, Pizza on Main, Movies Plus, Junee Capital Chemist, Junee Railway Café, Illabo Show Society, John Puttock Electrical, and Hanlon Enterprises.

“I would like to thank Santa and Mrs Clause for taking the time out of their busy schedule this year to come and visit our kids and grandkids and for asking the important questions, which hopefully makes their Christmas a little brighter.

“I would like to thank our MC’s Marie and Neil for their help throughout the day, our schoolkids and our entertainers for making their time available to entertain us, also the residents of Cooinda Court, the long-term patients in the Junee hospital, and all the rest of the school kids for decorating all the JBT show bags.

“I especially would like to thank my hard-working Christmas on Broadway committee for all the hours and the dedication they put into making the day happen, a special thanks to all the volunteers, and the Junee High School kids that make themselves available to help us out all day.

“It is all these people that I have mentioned and the community that makes Junee a great place to live, work and play.

“I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Merry Christmas everyone and thank you all for coming.”

Although the rain did its best to break the community spirit, it wouldn’t be enough with many bringing their umbrellas and enjoying the night no matter how much rain fell.

The community expressed their support for the event, with one community member saying, “well done. Shame about the weather but couldn’t be helped, still a great event and so good to see so many people out in support.”

Another said, “Thank you for this wonderful event for our town. Was a great success despite the weather. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.”

A stall holder had said, “As a first-time stall holder at Junee, can I please state that I have never seen a better run or coordinated market as I did then.

“It was an eye opener to us the amount of support provided by the committee and helpers to all stall holders.

“I can’t congratulate them enough. The weather was a shame but did not deter anyone from staying out and celebrating and supporting the Junee community.

“Hope I’m around for next year as I can’t wait to see what happens with good weather. Bravo to all of you. You were fabulous. Merry Christmas.”

Here is hoping Christmas on Broadway will go full throttle next year without the roadblocks it has had in the previous years.

Jack Murray


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