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Ferrario leads MTC to club of the year honours

Jason Ferrario (right) accepts the 2023 Racing NSW Country Tab Club of the Year award from Racing NSW Country Chairman, Bob Pavitt.

Jason Ferrario has only been Chief Executive of the Murrumbidgee Turf Club (MTC) for just over two years, but the Junee local has already made his mark on the Wagga club. With Racing NSW Country holding their annual Racing Conference on Friday, coinciding with the 2023 NSW Country Racing Awards presentation, Ferrario was on hand as the MTC was crowned the Category A TAB Race Club of the Year.

“I was in Sydney for the conference, and to be able to accept that trophy on behalf of the whole club, I couldn’t be prouder, and it’s a massive achievement for everyone involved,” Ferrario said.

“We had to put in a submission, and just like other clubs, we felt our submission was good.

“With it being 150 years of the Wagga Gold Cup, it was a big year for the club and a successful carnival, along with a list of other achievements.”

While thrilled to accept the award on behalf of the MTC, Ferrario praised all the ‘moving parts’, including fellow Junee local and MTC Track Manager, Mark Hart, for making their successful year possible.

“At the end of the day, I accepted that award on behalf of an unbelievable team of people that make the MTC
what it is,” Ferrario said.

“It starts in the office with myself, Pat, Cass, Kate, and Maddie and flows out to the track staff, who are superbly led by Mark Hart, our outstanding Track Manager, who has the track ready to race in perfect order every time.

“Then to our bar staff, which Sharon is now the leader of, they have done a great job and kicked goals across our bigger events.

“I’m also surrounded by an active group of directors, who are business people in their own right, but they are happy to get involved and get themselves dirty.

“There’s also the Rotary Club Kooringal, who man our gates, and Master King Security, who are our security firm, and there are so many moving parts that make it all work.

“As I say, ‘teamwork makes the dream work’, and over the past 12 months, we have been able to make that dream work.”

Ferrario, also Association Secretariat for the Southern Districts Racing Association, was pleased to see
Narrandera Race Club presented with the Special Recognition Award.

At the same time, the Hay Jockey Club was recognised for their efforts to host a successful race meeting during the NSW flood crisis.

“It was a proud moment and great for the SDRA,” Ferrario said.

“Narrandera stepped up to the plate and have taken racing meetings when other tracks were too wet, and Hay were also recognised for their efforts.”

The 2023 NSW Country Racing Awards also recognised Tuncurry-Forster Jockey Club as the Category B/C Country TAB Race Club of the Year, and Cooma-Monaro Race Club claimed the Outstanding Achievement Award.

The annual Simon Nivison Special Achievement Award was presented to Coffs Harbour Racing Club stalwart Merv Mercer.

2023 Racing NSW Country award winners:

Simon Nivison Special Achievement
Award: Merv Mercer.
Country TAB Race Club of the Year:
Murrumbidgee Turf Club.
Country TAB Race Club of the Year:
Tuncurry-Forster Jockey Club.
Outstanding Achievement Award:
Cooma-Monaro Race Club.
Special Recognition Award: Narrandera
Race Club.
Country Trainer of the Year: Clint
Country Jockey of the Year: Aaron
Country Apprentice Jockey of the Year:
Molly Bourke.
Country Approved Rider of the Year:
Leandro Ribeiro

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