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Mayor Callow Speaks on GEO Changeover, Mayoral Minute Showing Strong Leadership From New Mayor

Since the announcement of the Junee Correctional Centre changeover to NSW Government hands, it has become a topic of debate that has spilled over to the budget estimates in parliament. Many people have opinions on the matter, including Mayor Bob Callow who opened Tuesday’s Council meeting with a Mayoral Minute where he outlined his thoughts on the changeover. 

Bob began the speech, saying, “It has been a very busy time for us all since the last meeting. I see many tractors working well into the evening as harvest begins and I wish all our farming friends the best for a good harvest. Please be safe in these dry times.

“Congratulations to the Show Societies at Illabo and Junee for putting on two, very well attended and successful Shows. The people attending that I spoke with were very complimentary of both shows, so well done.” 



He then spoke about the issue of the hour, the future of Junee’s Correctional Facility. 

“The news that the Junee Correctional Facility will come under the control of the State Government from March 2025 came as a complete surprise to Council, the GEO group and staff at the centre. Not only did the announcement catch us by surprise, the Minister for Corrections has still to advise us, or provide any information regarding the why and how. 

“I have been in constant contact with Steph Cooke who is livid regarding the lack of consultation with the Junee community, the GEO Group and, well anyone. The cost of this decision to our community will be considerable. GEO and A.C.M before it, have contributed greatly to the community, with lawn mowing, painting, construction, raffles, the list is extensive.

“Although I have no real information, still, it is likely none of this will continue post GEO operations.” 



Bob also spoke extensively about the Commonwealth Bank information session at the Junee Licorice Factory which the Junee Independent has received exclusive comments for in this week’s edition. 

“I was pleased to be able to attend the “opening” of the Senior Citizens Hall improvements. The hall is, in my opinion, the premier hall of its size in Junee. Fully serviced and up-to-date technically, it is certainly a credit to the group.



“The General Manager, Lloyd Hart and myself were able to attend the AGM of the Regional Development Australia, Riverina and make a presentation to them. The presentation was well received and we look forward to utilising their strategic planning and accessing government programs and infrastructure investments.

“The GM, Deputy Mayor and myself attended the Local Government NSW Conference in Parramatta last week. Our motion regarding the red fleet was well received and with one small amendment, was carried. Minister Hoenig spoke to the conference and assured us that he was working hard to address the matter, restating his belief that the Treasury’s decision was flawed however, he also acknowledged that ‘we’ asked to have the red fleet, ‘we’ signed many service agreements.” 

The red fleet debacle is an ongoing battle between many local Governments and the Federal Government regarding whether or not Council should be forced to put the use and costs of the Rural Fire Service’s ‘Red Fleet’ on their books. Council’s argue they do not control the fleet therefore it should not be placed on their financial records – it is an RFS asset, not a Council one.  



“I personally was not inclined to think that any inquiry was going to have a positive outcome. I hope I am wrong. 

“Remembrance Day was well attended and it was good to see a former local lad addressing us, Commander McDevitt, the Navy’s Commander of Diver Training. Our thoughts are also with Greg Zakharoff, who has recently returned home from hospital after triple bypass surgery.

“I would also like to pay my respects to the Lewis family following the recent death of Bob Lewis.” 

It has been a busy month for Council, especially Bob, being relatively new to the role (although he has plenty of experience elsewhere) of Junee’s mayor. Being thrust into a lot of complex political issues Junee sits right in the middle of, could mean trouble for Mr Callow, but he has proven capable of juggling these issues. 

If there’s one thing his mayoral minute shows, it’s that Bob has already picked up where former mayor Neil Smith left off and is ready to take on the role headfirst. 

Jack Murray

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