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Bob Hackett Commemoration

On Saturday 14th September a plaque was erected at Lawson House Community “Gazebo”, in commemoration of the late Bob (Robert) Hackett for his dedicated service to Lawson House for 36 years.

Residents and many of Bob’s family were present to witness and celebrate the unveiling of the plaque.

Yvonne Hackett (Bob’s wife) and John Wealands with the plaque in background.

Bob got involved in Lawson House through a good friend of his Doug Scott. Bob’s service to Lawson House began when he started to help Doug collect coins from the electricity boxes, which was the way the residents used to pay for their electricity.

This helping hand resulted in Bob becoming a long serving committee member and maintenance man. He also served as Vice President for a period of time.

Bob’s maintenance position at Lawson House involved ground work and any repairs that did not require a tradesman. His knowledge of the workings of Lawson House was extensive and he enjoyed a good relationship with the residents. He would often attend Lawson House to just have a chat.

He was very much loved and appreciated by residents and all committee members. He will be sadly missed.

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