At the October 8AGM, the club officials were appointed for the Junee Diesels at the Junee Ex-Services Club.
The results are as follows:
President: David Holt (aka Holty).Vice President: Michael Diggins (aka Diggo). Treasurer: Katrina Bradley (aka Trine). Junior Vice President: Glen Harbrow (aka Harbs).

They still have a secretary position vacant, so if you want to pitch in and help out send them a message or reach out to one of their 2025 committee members.
David Holt commented on him being re-elected President. “I’m looking forward to the future, that’s for sure, and to keep going with what we have started. Things are looking good for the summer competition. At the moment we have 10 teams and can hopefully get a couple more,” he said.

“There are not enough words of praise for our treasurer Katrina. Katrina is very good at what she does. She’s just the next level and as a volunteer she goes above and beyond, as do Michael and Glen, the Vice Presidents.”
David Holt said he would like to see some passion and dedication brought to the position for whoever may fill the role.
– Jack Murray